
Grange Primary School

Grow, Persevere, Succeed. Be the best you can be!

Home Reading

Here at Grange, we believe that reading at home is invaluable in supporting your child in their development as a reader. Reading for pleasure at home every day not only boosts your child’s reading confidence but also supports them to develop a broader vocabulary, increased general knowledge and a better understanding of other cultures.


You can make a huge difference! Parents are the most important educators in a child’s life -  even more important than their teachers and it’s never too early to start reading together.


We would ask that children read at home a minimum of twice a week. This is a minimum but we would hope children read at home every day if possible. The more the better!


At the beginning of Reception, we introduce home reading with wordless books. Please spend some time with your child, discussing what is happening in the pictures and predicting what might happen next. As your child progresses through our phonics programme, they will bring home letter and word flashcards.


Spending some time each night looking at the flashcards and practising saying the sounds and blending them in words will support your child to become a confident word reader. Once your child is able to blend the sounds in simple words, they will begin to bring home decodable reading books.


Alongside their chosen reading book or flashcard set, your child will bring home a purple reading card. Please can you sign the card each time you have read with your child.


Your child will also have access to Bug Club online. This platform allows your child to access books and games to support their reading development. If you are not sure of your child’s log in details, please speak to your child’s teacher either in person or on Class Dojo.


To reward children’s efforts to read at home, we operate a book prize system. For each full reading card (to fill a card a child needs to read at home 68 times) children can choose a book from our book prize selection to take home and keep.


Below you will find a selection of links to websites which can give you ideas and tips on how to support your child with home reading.


Reading | Oxford Owl


Tips for parents | Coram Beanstalk (


Parents and families | National Literacy Trust


If you have any questions about how you can support your child with home reading, please ask your child’s class teacher.


Thank you for your continued support.


