
Grange Primary School

Grow, Persevere, Succeed. Be the best you can be!


Welcome to the Reception Class Page

Remote Learning Activities for Easter

Covid 19- Day one activities for self isolating pupils


If your child is on day one of self isolation please find the activities listed below that should be completed:


Activity 1: Listen to the story of The Three Little Pigs:

                Draw your favourite character from the story. Why do you like them?


Activity 2: Count up to 5 with Teddy:

                 Play the game with numbers up to 5. Can you give teddy the correct amount of objects?


Activity 3: Practise your phonic sounds: 

                 Say the sound that appears on each of the pirate ships. How many sounds can you say correctly?


Please note that activities for subsequent isolation days will be posted on Class Dojo on your child's portfolio.


Thank you for your continued support.


Mrs. Gallagher and Miss Sinden
