
Grange Primary School

Grow, Persevere, Succeed. Be the best you can be!


Design Technology

In Design Technology we designed and made Gingerbread Puppets! First we explored the best materials to make hand puppets, and then we designed what we wanted our puppets to look like. Then we practiced our cutting and gluing skills before we made our puppets. 


In history we learnt about change in living memory. We explored how toys, technology and transport has changed over time. We went on our first school trip to Beamish and took part in a toys workshop where we got to play with old toys. We then got to ride on an old bus around Beamish! We got to role play with old technology such as mobile phones and Game Boys. 

Then we asked Mrs Weatherall lots of questions about how things have changed in her living memory. Please watch the video posted to class dojo pages to see us talk about all the things we learnt!
