
Grange Primary School

Grow, Persevere, Succeed. Be the best you can be!


Growth and Change!


 As we reach the end of another academic year at Grange our final topic is all about growth and change. We have watched all of our nursery and Caterpillar pupils, grow and change so much during their time with us. We will explore how we grow and keep fit and healthy and also learn how to help other things in nature grow such as taking care of plants, flowers, mini beasts and animals too.


We look forward to other Special events this half term such as  our annual sports  day , transition week and on a community level we are hosting The Tall ships 2023 .











Welcome back Caterpillars!

As part of our growing and changing topic we have had fun with the rhyme 'Mary, Mary quite contrary'.


Curling up small like tiny seeds, then growing tall into beautiful flowers!

Mary, Mary quite contrary!

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Ring-a-ring of Roses

Ring-a-ring of Roses

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The Adventures of Hartley !

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Hartley Adventures the sequel!

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Sports Fun Day 2023


Hartlepool Tall Ships 2023

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If you go down in the woods today!

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