
Grange Primary School

Grow, Persevere, Succeed. Be the best you can be!

Year 1 - 2014-2015

Welcome to Class 12 & 13 - Year 1

Mrs M Gallagher

Teacher Class 12

Mrs R Thorez

Teacher Class 13

Miss M Stephenson

Teaching Assistant

Miss N Mann

Teaching Assistant

Miss T Lahney

Teaching Assistant

Miss N Salvin

Teaching Assistant


Important Information



Homework in Year 1 is given out on a Tuesday and collected in on a Friday. Please help your child to complete their homework and bring it in on time as they will receive a Hartley point. If there are any issues please speak to your child's class teacher.


PE  in Year 1 is currently every Tuesday and Friday. Please make sure your child has their kit (clearly labelled) in school including black shorts, a white t-shirt and gym shoes.


Reading Books- Your child's reading book should be brought into school every day.

Parents - What you can do to help at home

Reading - your child is provided with a reading book from school, please read with them at home and note this in their yellow reading record. When your child has read 20 separate times their reading record will be added into a prize draw on a Monday. The more your child reads at home the more they will progress!


You can also access Bug Club at home on laptops or tablets. 

This is a website where your child's teacher can assign appropriate books, this also counts as reading at home so note it in the reading record ! 


Go to -

Our school code is - qxa6 and your child has been given a log in.
