
Grange Primary School

Grow, Persevere, Succeed. Be the best you can be!

Term 2

Easter Extravangza at Rossmere

Long wavy grass... Swishy swishy

Today we went to the Forum Theatre to watch We're Going on a Bear Hunt! We loved it!

"We're making real carrot soup!"

The children have been getting to know. Micheal Rosen. We listened to his story chocolate cake.

We are very excited to start our new topic - Why can't I have chocolate for breakfast?

We are looking forward to learning all about healthy eating and how to stay fit.  We will be reading lots of stories and trying lots of new and healthy foods.

The children have been introduced to our author of the term, Michael Rosen.

Have you watched the animated version of, 'We're going on a bear hunt.' Yet? 
