Grow, Persevere, Succeed. Be the best you can be!
Half Term 1
Welcome back to another year at Grange! This half term we will be doing lots of fun things. Check out our curriculum parent grid for more information on the brilliant work we will be doing this term. We are looking forward to welcoming you into school to meet the teachers later in the month.
In HT1 in Year 6 we have been working hard across all subjects. We have learned about the Mayans in history, we have coded microbits in computing, and we have learned about light in science. We've also had a school trip to the power station to 'Crucial Crew' where we learned about road safety, the dangers of vaping, water safety and how to provide basic first aid. We have also been swimming every week where the children have made huge progress. Our Y6 football team have also been to a town wide tournament this term.