Grow, Persevere, Succeed. Be the best you can be!
Your child will have a school reading book that is appropriate to their current reading level, which is set using the Accelerated Reader scheme or Phonics scheme. Please ensure your child's book is brought into school each day as they will use this during reading lessons.
Once the children finish a book, they complete a quiz within Accelerated Reader and achieve points. Book prize tokens are awarded for children who reach 20, 50 and 100 points. These can be used to select a book from the Library vending machine.
Your child has a purple reading card to be signed each time they read at home. Please try to listen to your child read at home for 5-10 minutes at least four times a week, returning the book and the signed reading card to school daily. This will also allow your child to move up the Reading Rocket in the classroom.
As a reward for regular reading at home, Class Dojo points will be awarded (in addition to book prizes). If children miss reading at home two days in a row, they will read to an adult in school at break time.
Please message or speak to your child's teacher if your child needs any support or encouragement to read regularly at home.
To enable us to maintain a wide selection of books in both the reading book and school library, we ask that is a book is lost or damaged you inform us so the book can be replaced. We do ask for a £4 contribution to help towards the cost.
If you have any suggestions for books that should be added to our school stock, please contact Mrs Sinnott or your child’s class teacher on Dojo.