Grow, Persevere, Succeed. Be the best you can be!
A big thank you to all the parents who attended our parent event and helped make our product. Hopefully they will be a big success at the school Fayre!
We are trying to improve our catching and throwing skills to be brilliant netball players!
This half term we are writing adventure stories. There are some brilliant resources on this website for you to look at with your child.
We are so proud of the achievements the children have made in Lexia in Year 5. If you need information about your child's home licence please come in and see Mrs Parkinson or Mrs Wager.
We have been learning skills to stay safe whilst cycling!
We had a fantastic day learning all about Ancient Greece. We handled Greek artefacts and made offerings to the gods from clay. As part of learning about Greek theatre, we acted out a Greek play. It was a fantastic day.
This half term we are learning about Ancient Greece and will be writing our own myth in Literacy. This website has some myths and legends you can listen to with your child.