Grow, Persevere, Succeed. Be the best you can be!
Welcome to Class 9
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Miss A Hampshire Teaching Assistant |
Miss W Harvey Teaching Assistant |
Mrs P Jenkins Teacher |
Mrs T Grainger Teaching Assistant |
Mrs S Garthwaite Teaching Assistant |
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Important information
Our PE days are Wednesday and Friday.
Children need the following PE kit please:
Homework is given on Tuesdays and needs to be completed/returned to school on Fridays. Also please read with your child as often as possible. When listening to your child read their school reading book, please complete their yellow reading diary sheet.
Class timetable
To help your child at home try these useful websites:
Phonics Play -
Topmarks -
Education City - www.
Purple Mash -
Half Term 6 Topic - 'Towers, Tunnels and Turrets'
We will be learning about castles and castle life as well as finding out about some amazing structures and famous tunnels around the world. We will learn about tunnelling animals such as moles, rabbits, worms, ants and badgers. We will learn about some of the amazing structures created by Isambard Kingdom Brunel too.
Half Term 5 Topic - 'Beachcombers'
In this topic our learning experiences include:
Beach/seaside habitats, seashore animals and plants, marine food chains, coastal features, caring for the environment, seascape artists, drawing, painting and sculpture, non-fiction research, computing activities/skills, beach safety and much more!
Here we are exploring the rock pools at the Block Sands on the Headland. We found lots of things such as: limpets, winkles, hermit crabs, kelp, bladderwrack, periwinkles, anemones, barnacles and we saw a cormorant fishing too!
Half Term 4 Topic - 'Wriggle and Crawl'
We have been learning all about minibeasts!
The Woodland Trust website is a useful resource.
Discovery Zoo visited our class and we enjoyed meeting and learning about:
Rosie the tarantula, Brian the giant African land snail, Millie the millipede, Hissing Sid the cockroach and Twiggy the spiny stick insect.
In our groups, we enjoyed sharing and telling stories to each other.
Here we are rehearsing first.
Half Term 3 Topic - 'Street Detectives'.
We learnt about our local area and community, looking at houses and shops old and new and finding out how our streets have changed. We looked at maps and plans as well as old photographs of the local area.
We found out about local heroes from Hartlepool, significant historical events, people and places in our town. We enjoyed our learning activities at the Museum of Hartlepool. Here we are dressed in Victorian clothes and creating pictures of The Wingfield Castle.
Half Term 2 Topic - 'Land Ahoy!`
We used maps and atlases to locate continents, oceans, seas and places that Captain Cook visited on his famous journeys.
A pirate called Captain Raggy Beard visited our class and told us stories about the sea, sang sea shanties with us and we even had to walk the plank!
We had a great time when we visited the Captain Cook Birthplace Museum and we enjoyed learning all about him.
Half Term 1 Topic - 'The Scented Garden'
We found out lots about plants and minibeasts. We investigated their habitats in our school grounds and also at Teesmouth. Our Class even discovered a lime hawk moth caterpillar as we were exploring our local area!
We enjoyed learning about different herbs and plants that we eat as well as learning about how plants are very useful to us. Asda helped us in our learning and then we had a great time making pot pourri and lavender and lemon biscuits.