Grow, Persevere, Succeed. Be the best you can be!
Welcome to the Year 2 class page, make sure you keep checking to see all the exciting things we get up to at school!
Look what we will be reading this half term!
In maths we have been learning to partition numbers into tens and ones using a place value chart. 🧮
On Tuesday 3rd October, Year 2 had a fantastic day visiting St James’ Church. The children listened closely to the reverent explain the purpose of the different objects found in the church. The children had the chance to put forward their own ideas and ask any questions. Next, the children had the opportunity to discover some of the items which we have been learning about in our RE lessons. Finally, we drew our favourite objects in the church and wrote a reason why they were our favourite and what we enjoyed most about our visit⛪️
This week in maths we have been doing some more work on our addition and subtraction. We looked at how making 10 using our number bond knowledge could help us solve different calculations. We worked with our maths partners and had lots of fun!
In English we have been looking at the past tense and changing verbs from the present tense to the past tense. This will help us with our new topic on non-chronological reports.
In maths, we have been adding crossing 10, we used our number bonds knowledge to support this, we exchanged ones for tens which made it easier to count our answer.