
Grange Primary School

Grow, Persevere, Succeed. Be the best you can be!

Parents - What you can do to help at home

What can you do to help?

In Class 12 our topic is memory box. We will be looking at different artefacts and photographs from the past. At home if you could talk to your child about your childhood and how different it was to theirs that would help the children when we come to discuss our different memories and what we did when we were younger.





In maths we try to make our lessons as fun and interactive as possible. During our maths lessons we play games from various web pages.

 The BBC bite size webpage has lots of fun interactive games that the children love  to play.


Top Marks is another brilliant web page to visit.


One of the children's favourite games is save the whale.


Literacy and Reading.

To help your child in Literacy and with their reading the most powerful thing you can do is read with your child and let them read to you. Our Class love reading books by Julia Donaldson, Martin Wadell and Nick Butterworth. The children also love to play phonics games.


Obb and Bob are two of the children favourite characters.
