
Grange Primary School

Grow, Persevere, Succeed. Be the best you can be!

Class Saltholme

Welcome to the Class Saltholme Page!

Easter Holiday Activities


We hope that you are looking forward to the Easter holiday as much as we are! Please make sure to get lots of fresh air and exercise and make the most of the lovely spring weather.


I have set an Easter Assignment on MathShed This is based around the times table/s that you have worked on over the last few weeks. Please try to log on to MathShed as often as possible to rehearse these times tables. Practice makes permanent! There are some other lovely maths games that you might like to play on Topmarks.

Times tables:

Addition and subtraction:

Place value:


You can still log on to Active Learn and Lexia over the break to continue to develop your phonics and reading skills. It is very important to read every day so you could log on to MyOn and read a book about a topic that you are interested in.


You might like to work on your fine motor skills. These will help to strengthen your hands and fingers, which will help you to form letters neatly and correctly. Here are some ideas for activities you could do at home:


Maybe you would also like to work on important life skills, such as preparing food and keeping your room tidy. I know that some of you are learning to tell the time, so here is a game you might like to play:

Summer Term



At the start of the summer term, we will be studying the book 'Flood' by Alvaro F. Vila. We will be doing written work based on the themes in this book.




We will be continuing to develop our understanding of the multiplication tables. We will be reviewing the 2, 5 and 10 times tables facts and we will go on to learn facts for the 4 and 8 times tables. If you would like to work on this at home, there is a weekly assignment set on MathShed for your child to access.


We will also be developing our number sense, which is our ability to use known facts and strategies to find the answers to calculations. We will be working on finding 2 more and 2 less than a number by using our knowledge of odd and even numbers. We will go on to looking at what happens when we add or subtract 0 and doubling and halving.


The Zones of Regulation


As part of our curriculum, we will be doing some work around the Zones of Regulation.  This is a cognitive behaviour approach for helping the children to self-regulate their behaviours, emotions and sensory needs. As we develop this in school, we will keep you informed, but please do ask Mrs Smith if you would like to know more. You can also look here for more information.

Important Information


Our P.E. day is Friday. 


At the moment, we cannot send home any reading books, but your child can read a book on MyON that is matched to their reading level. All children have log-in details for MyOn.


Some of the children also have books set for them on Active Learn. They will have their own log-in details and the school code is qxa6.


Your child might also like to access Lexia to work on their reading skills:




Covid 19 Self-Isolating Information


If your child needs to stay at home because they are self-isolating or because of lockdown, they will be set work from their second day of being absent from school. This work will be set in the Portfolio and Activities sections of Class Dojo.


On their first day of isolating, your child could do one or more of the following things:


Read a book on MyOn or Active Learn. Work on some units on Lexia.


Play a few games on Maths Shed.


Play a few games on Spelling Shed. 


Work on your handwriting or fine motor skills.


Look at that day's image on Pobble 365 and answer some of the questions or complete the writing activity


Log in to Education City and play a maths, English or science game (please let Mrs Smith know if you need help with logging in)


