
Grange Primary School

Grow, Persevere, Succeed. Be the best you can be!

Illness, Medical Information and Care Plans

Illness/Medical Information/ Care Plans 


 It is very important that we are aware of any medical conditions your child may have. This information should be recorded on the Data Collected forms referenced earlier.  

If your child’s medical information changes, please inform the school office and your child’s teacher as soon as possible. 

If your child has asthma, we must have an in date inhaler in school, which should be replaced when needed. Mrs Dunning or an appropriate member of staff will ensure a completed asthma card is in place.  Inhalers can be kept in school, and children can access these as needed.  


Please check your child’s head regularly and if you find any signs of head lice, please treat accordingly. If you need any advice regarding the treatment of head lice, our family support officers and/or school nurse would be pleased to help. 


Some children may require a care plan to document their medical needs and how we will meet them. Mrs Dunning oversees this process and will be in touch where reviews are needed. If you feel a review is needed at any point due to any changes, please do get in touch to arrange this.  
