Grow, Persevere, Succeed. Be the best you can be!
Week 2
This week we started our Little Wandle phonics lessons. We looked at the graphemes s,a,t,p then revised them on Friday.
Key vocabulary to use at home
Grapheme, phoneme, snake, s, astronaut, a, tiger, t, penguin, p
Week 3
This week we are moving on to our next 4 graphemes. We will start using the graphemes we have learned to read words with support from our teachers. We will read words like sat, tap and nip. On Friday we will revise these graphemes.
Key vocabulary to use at home
Phoneme, grapheme, iguana, i, net, n, mouse, m and duck, d.
Week 4
In week 4, we will be looking at the next 4 graphemes in phase 2. We are working very hard to hear the initial sounds in words. Eg goat --> g and octopus --> o.
Key vocabulary to use at home
Phoneme, grapheme, goat, g, octopus, o, cat, c, kite, k.
Week 5
This week, we are moving onto our next four graphemes. We will be introduced to our first digraph. A digraph is 2 letters that make 1 sound.
This week we will look at our first tricky word: is. This is a tricky word because the s sound is making the z sound.
Key vocabulary to use at home
Phoneme, grapheme, digraph, sock, ck, elephant, e, umbrella, u, rainbow, r.
Week 6
This week we will move onto our next 4 graphemes. We will begin to assess the children for the first time to see which graphemes they have remembered from the beginning of the year.
We will be looking at our second tricky word: I. This is a tricky word because the grapheme I is making the 'igh' sound which hasn't been taught yet.
Key vocabulary to use at home
Phoneme, grapheme, helicopter, h, bear, b, flamingo, f, lollipop, l
Week 7 and 8
We will be revisiting and reviewing the graphemes and tricky words we have learned so far. Teachers will check to see which graphemes and tricky words the children have remembered from the first 6 weeks.