
Grange Primary School

Grow, Persevere, Succeed. Be the best you can be!


At Grange Primary School we teach a bespoke PSHE curriculum which covers the National Curriculum for relationships and health education and life skills which include developing skills for life and work around our school values. 



In September 2020 a new statutory framework for Relationships and Health Education was introduced. In order to deliver this at Grange, as part of our bespoke Curriculum, we opted to use a scheme of work known as 'Jigsaw' and we have been implementing this across the school. The new Relationships and Health Education is designed to support the social and emotional development of our children and support them to make healthy choices as they develop. The attached policy below captures how we, at Grange, will deliver this and the associated documents share what is taught as part of this curriculum. The Jigsaw scheme ensures that pupils acquire the knowledge, understanding and skills that they need to successfully manage their lives now and in the future. This scheme develops the qualities and attributes that pupils need to thrive as individuals, family members and members of society.


As part of the statutory 'Health Education' we will now be delivering lessons throughout school around the changing body in the final term of each year and this will include naming the body parts using the correct terminology, knowing that they are private and then learning about puberty and menstruation in KS2. You can see how and when these will be covered in the documents below. Although not statutory, we have chosen to deliver 'Sex Education' in it's simplest form of 'Human Reproduction' and this is described in more detail in the attached policy and guidance from the Jigsaw Scheme of Work.


The information below shows the overview of the Jigsaw scheme. 



Community Safety week 2024

At the end of the first half term, children across school learnt how to keep themselves safe in different situations.  Topics covered included being safe around dogs, how to keep safe on the beach, safety around railways, fire safety and the dangers of being in and around derelict buildings.  Also, each year group covered different aspects of keeping safe around roads.


You can watch a video that explains some of the ways to keep safe in the Video Resource Centre page on our website or by clicking on this link:   

A Guide to Keeping Safe - Community Safety Week 2024



Other Key Documents:

Knowledge Progression:

The following documents outline the progression of knowledge within each year group across the Jigsaw scheme. 




Skills Builder

At Grange Primary School, we use the Skills Builder Framework to develop highly transferable essential skills. We strive to ensure our pupils leave us with skills that can enable them to enjoy greater life satisfaction and allow them to contribute in today's workforce.

Each half term, an essential skills is chosen to focus upon. This skill area is taught through short sessions in a particular subject area. The essential skills developed are then explicitly referenced across other subject areas to ensure that children are utilising them as much as possible.

The eight essential skills that we focus upon are:


SEND Statement


Grange Primary promotes a curriculum that puts all pupils, regardless of their needs, at the heart of what we do. By building mutual respect, we accept others for their differences believing that everyone is special and everyone has something to offer. Our inclusive and enriching curriculum, written for all children, provides pupils with meaningful and aspirational experiences as well as promoting personal growth for life-long learning. When the curriculum needs adapting to suit the needs of individual children, appropriate modifications are made by the class teacher with support from the SENDCo and the Curriculum Subject Lead.

Contact Information

If you would like further information regarding our PSHE curriculum at Grange, please contact Mrs Beane, our PSHE lead, through the school office.
