Grow, Persevere, Succeed. Be the best you can be!
Our main communication route during the school day is our main school telephone line.
Our School Telephone Number is (01429) 272007. You can hold or press 1 to reach the main school office, or press 2 to get directly through to the Family Support Office.
The phone lines are manned between 8am and 4pm weekdays. There is the opportunity to leave a voicemail message if we are unable to answer your call.
Class Dojo
We now use Class Dojo as our main communication route to parents and carers, and we will continue to do this moving forward. This has proved to be an easy, timely communication platform that we can send key messages through.
We will be checking parent/carer connections during the first week back in September, and ensuring everyone is connected to their child’s new class. We will move children up to their new classes on Dojo in September, and connections just move across. Please let us know if there are any issues.
We ask that parents/carers check the Class Dojo website/ app at least daily to avoid missing any key information.
Our school story includes information that we believe is important to share with all classes. Although comments can be added to these posts, please bear in mind that all parents/carers can see these.
If specific queries or questions need to be asked, please can we ask that you either contact the school office via telephone, or send a private dojo message to the appropriate member of staff.
Parents/carers are also able to contact non-class based staff via class dojo too, as they are connected to all classes.
This messaging element on class dojo allows a two-way conversation to take place. Although we appreciate you may find it easier to send messages out of school hours due to your own work commitments, please remember that you cannot expect an immediate reply to messages either during the day (due to teaching commitments or meetings etc.) or in non-working hours for staff. We will reply at the earliest opportunity.
Please check if you have any messages from school staff at least daily.
Class pages will be used to share class-based important information, as well as sharing regular updates on what has been happening in class, so you can use this to engage your child in discussions around school, and support their extended learning at home.
Settings on the app can be altered to enable notifications, which will inform you of any new posts or messages as they are posted.
We no longer send home physical letters as much, and this is something we will continue to support the environment. As stated above, our main communication route with parents/carers will be through Class Dojo. On occasion, we may need to send out a physical letter, for example where a form needs to be returned. If you struggle with electronic communications and require printed letters, including in an easy accessible format, please contact the school to discuss this.