
Grange Primary School

Grow, Persevere, Succeed. Be the best you can be!

School Day and Times / Term Dates

School Day

 'Soft Start' Drop off BetweenCollection Time
Nursery and Caterpillars (morning)8.35am - 8.40am11.30 - 11.35am
Nursery and Caterpillars (afternoon)12.05pm - 12.10pm3.00pm-3.05pm
Reception, Year 1, Year 2, Year 3, Year 4, Tear 5, Year 6


(official start of the day - 8.40am. Children should be in school for this time).



Opening and Closing Times

Grange Primary School is open from 8.40 am - 3.10pm each day. This equates to a total of 32.5 hours per week. 

Term Dates

Term Dates 2023-2024

Term Dates 2024-2025
