
Grange Primary School

Grow, Persevere, Succeed. Be the best you can be!

Key Policies and Procedures

The content of this page is currently under review following our academy conversion. 

Charging and Remissions Policy

Please click on the following link for the trust charging and remissions policy. 

Child Protection Policy

Please click on the following links for the school's child protection policy.

Whistleblowing Policy

Please click on the link below for the Whistleblowing Policy. 

Emotional Regulation Policy

Please click on the link below to view our current school Emotional Regulation Policy.

Anti Bullying Statement

‘Bullying is behaviour by an individual or group, repeated over time, that intentionally hurts another individual or group either physically or emotionally. Bullying can take many forms (for instance, cyber-bullying via text messages, social media or gaming, which can include the use of images and video) and is often motivated by prejudice against particular groups. It might be motivated by actual differences between children, or perceived differences.’ Preventing and tackling bullying, DfE, July 2017.

Bullying is different from an argument or a fight. It is regular and deliberate. It often impacts on learning, attendance and the pupil’s self-esteem and confidence. Bullying can take many forms for example:

  • Physical
  • Verbal
  • Emotional
  • Damage to property or theft
  • Intimidation through gesture and threat, both verbal and non-verbal
  • Cyber – through a range of technologies – mobile phones, email and social networks
  • Exclusion or non-communication

At Grange Primary School we take bullying very seriously. We deal with each incident consistently and investigate and address any allegations of bullying. Sometimes what is perceived as bullying is simply unacceptable behaviour and we will deal with this in accordance with the school Emotional Regulation policy.

We proactively educate our pupils about positive relationships, respect and how to resolve conflict through our personalised GPS Curriculum and encourage our children to share any concerns with an adult so that it can be addressed in a timely manner.

In addition to our personalised curriculum we also have mechanisms for pastoral support which include access to our Family Support Officers, Teaching Assistants and Educational Mental Health Practitioner as well as systems for identifying and recording concerns through class worry monsters (these have been replaced by individual journals during Covid 19).

All allegations of bullying are recorded and monitored through CPOMS ensuring all relevant staff are aware of any situations and can monitor and take action accordingly.

If a pupil feels they are being bullied they should initially inform an adult within their class. This can be done directly through a face to face conversation or discretely. To arrange this, the pupil can record their concern within their journal. The teacher will then arrange a convenient and discrete meeting with the pupil. The class teacher will then address the concern.

If this concern needs to be taken further the class teacher may then request support from the Family Support Officer who will monitor or deliver bespoke intervention to address any identified needs to prevent any further incidents from taking place. 

If parents/carers have any concerns with regard to bullying, then they should phone school to arrange a meeting with the class teacher initially to raise their concerns. The class teacher will then identify the best course of action and inform the relevant members of staff to address the issue. Parents/carers will be informed of actions taken and outcomes of any investigations.

Relationships and Health Education Policy

Please see the following policy for relationships and health education below. 

SEND Policy

Please click on the following links for the school's SEND policy and SEND information Report

Accessibility Plan

Please see the following accessibility plan:

Equality Information

Please see the following regarding the trust equality objectives.

Complaints and compliments


We really do appreciate feedback from parents/carer, so do feel free to let us know what has gone well or what would make things even better. Our doors are always open, and we try our best to be as approachable and as welcoming as we can. Due to the Covid situation, please try to make contact with us by telephone, in the first instance, to discuss any concerns however minor they may seem. We would much rather tackle any concerns at the earliest stage, to resolve the concern and reduce the possibility of them becoming a formal complaint. If we feel as though it would be better to speak to you in person, we will arrange a socially distanced meeting. 


If, in the hopefully unlikely situation that you do have a complaint, the procedure is detailed in the document below.


We do carry out regular questionnaires to find out about how you feel about the school and give you the opportunity to express your views. We also encourage parents to update the parent view site, as and when they want to. This is something that Ofsted will look at when they carry out school inspections. The website address is


Parents/Carers are invited to respond to children's annual reports and we also have a suggestion box which is located in the main school entrance.


If you have any other suggestions about how you would like to share your views, please do let us know.
