
Grange Primary School

Grow, Persevere, Succeed. Be the best you can be!


Week 1

This week we read the book 'Brown Bear , Brown Bear What Do You See?' by Eric Carle. We really enjoyed the part when the author writes about the teacher and the children and what they can see. 


Key vocabulary to use at home

Brown, gold, purple

Youtube read aloud for 'Brown Bear, Brown Bear What Do You See?'


Week 2
We read a classic tale 'The Three Little Pigs' this week. Our favourite part of the story is when we can join in with the wolf when he huffs and puffs the houses down. We also find it really funny when the wolf burns his bottom!


Key vocabulary to use at home

Straw, chimney, pot, strong


Youtube Video for a song about the Three Little Pigs

Week 3

This week we are reading Monkey Puzzle by Julia Donaldson. We really enjoyed seeing the variety of animals and where they loved in the jungle. Lots of the children enjoyed recalling when they had caterpillars that turned into butterflies when they were in nursery when they noticed the butterfly in the book.


Key vocabulary to use at home

Coils, nest, beak, slimy


Monkey Puzzle read aloud from YouTube

Week 4

In week 4, we read the story Dogger. This is a classic story of a young boy who loses his favourite toy dog: Dogger. The children were gripped as we found out how Dave lost his toy and managed to get it back with the help of his sister. We discussed what our favourite toys were. These included: Buzz Lightyear, mermaids, a bunny teddy and a scooter. 



Key vocabulary to use at home
Bow, railings, swop, washing line

Week 5

This week's book will help us to learn more about colour mixing. It is 'Mixed' by Aree Chung.  We have discussed our favourite colours in class and enjoyed discovering new colour names such as jade, amber and lavender! In the creative area, children have begun mixing primary colours and learnt that this will make secondary colours. 



Key vocabulary to use at home
Mix, calm, city, grumpy

Week 6

We read Elmer in week 6. The children loved commenting on the patterns of the elephants during Elmer's day and made their own patterned elephants in the creative area. 




Key vocabulary to use at home

Herd, patchwork, trunk, bunches of berries

Week 7 and 8

As we head towards Halloween we are going to read a selection of spooky stories. Our main text from the reading spine is Meg and Mog which offers great opportunities to listen out for rhyming words.



Key vocabulary to use at home

Striped, stirred, cloak, cauldron, broomstick

