Grow, Persevere, Succeed. Be the best you can be!
In Reception, we use the NCETM Mastering Number Programme to develop our fluency with number and White Rose Maths to develop our knowledge of shape, space and measure.
This half term we will be focusing on the following:
Counting Songs to help us to count forwards
Counting Songs to help us to count backwards
Showing Finger Numbers to 5
This is great for fine motor skills as well as developing number sense.
Subitising up to 3 objects
This is the skill of being able to say how many objects there are in a set without counting. We often use dots (see below) and ask the children 'What do you see?' and importantly, 'HOW do you see it?' For example looking at the dots below right the child might say, ' I can see 3 dots. There is one on the top and two on the bottom.'
Counting actions, objects and sounds
Maths in Action