
Grange Primary School

Grow, Persevere, Succeed. Be the best you can be!

Term 3

Our summer topic is called Carnival!

We will be comparing Hartlepool to Brazil - both places have carnivals! 

RE Visit from Cloud Singh

Cloud Singh is a Sikh and he came into school to talk to the Y3 and Y4 children about what Sikhs believe in. He also showed us some of the religious objects that Sikhs have. 

Judo Lesson

Y3 had a Judo Taster Lesson for 30min with a coach . The children really enjoyed this. He also said that they could get another free lesson if they sign up at Millhouse Leisure Centre. 

Sports Day

The theme of our Sports Day was 'To be the best we can be' and year 3 were all fantastic. Everyone tried to improve their jumps and throws. All of the children supported each other and we all had a lovely time!
