
Grange Primary School

Grow, Persevere, Succeed. Be the best you can be!

School Meals

School Meals 


Our school meals provider  is North Tyneside County Council, which will change to Stockton Borough Council from 1st April 2024.

We offer a good value, healthy and appetising range of options at lunchtime.  


All children are able to choose their meal each day.


This will usually consist of a hot meal choice (or meat free option) or a sandwich. There will also be jacket potatoes with a choice of filling available some days. A dessert is also offered daily.  


Parents/ Carers can see the lunch menu below, as well as through regular Class Dojo updates. 


The cost of a school meal (for those who are not eligible for Universal Free School Meals or Benefits related Free School Meals) is currently £2.41 per day. This is a subsidised cost to families and represents very good value for the quality of the meal provided.  


Dinner money should be paid using The School Money App.

School Menu

School Meals Menu
