
Grange Primary School

Grow, Persevere, Succeed. Be the best you can be!



2 Year Old Nursery (Caterpillars)

The Local Authority are responsible for the allocation of places within our two year old setting. Please contact Kim Rowntree at the Local Authority on 01429 284881.


Grange Primary School Nursery

Grange Primary School are responsible for the allocation of places within our school nursery. Please contact the school directly to enquire about places.


Grange Primary School Reception Intake

The policy for this is under review. 


In Year School Admissions (Transfers)


Hartlepool Council Admissions Team co-ordinate in year admissions for all primary and secondary schools within the town.  An in year admission is when a parent wishes to apply for a place at a school that is not during normal rounds of entry (eg Reception – starting primary school or Year 7 – moving from primary to secondary school).  Should you wish to apply to transfer to our school, please complete and return a form which can be found by clicking on the following link  :
