
Grange Primary School

Grow, Persevere, Succeed. Be the best you can be!

Important Information

PE. Days


Class 7 have P.E. twice a week, on Tuesday mornings and Wednesday afternoons.


Tuesday mornings is swimming. Children need to bring an appropriate swimsuit (trunks for boys; no bikinis for girls) and a towel.

Wednesday afternoon is our normal P.E. class. Children will need a white top, black shorts, and P.E. shoes. Trainers will not be allowed as they are not safe for some activities.




Homework will be handed out every Tuesday and will be due in on Fridays. Spellings are given out each Friday and will be tested the following Friday.


As a school, we encourage all children to be reading at home at least 3 times per week. These should be recorded by an adult on the Home Reading Record (gold in colour) which should come home with your child everyday. To help parents out, below are two 'reading response' cards which are what we use in school to help prompt the children to talking more about the story. The two cards below are at Level 2 and Level 3. If you have any questions about the cards or how to use them, please see Mr. Moxon before or after school.
