
Grange Primary School

Grow, Persevere, Succeed. Be the best you can be!

Year 5

Welcome to Year 5 

Mrs Kemp

Teaching Assistant

Mrs Parkinson

Class 3 - Teacher

Mrs Wager

Class 4 - Teacher

Mrs Harvey

Teaching Assistant


Click on the Twitter link below to follow what the children are doing throughout the day

Class 3 Class 4


Important information



Maths and spelling homework is handed out on Tuesdays and should be handed in on Friday at the latest.


PE day is Wednesday afternoon.


Parents - What you can do to help at home


Please make sure that your child is reading every night. We have a 'Reading Minutes' scheme in Year 5, where the children are encouraged to read for at least 15 minutes every night and record these minutes in their reading cards alongside the number of pages read. This is to improve the children's reading pace (how quickly they read) and stamina (how long they can read for).



Below are some links to websites that can be used to aid revision.


BBC Bitesize (English and Maths):


Woodlands Junior English Zone:


Woodlands Junior Maths Zone:


The children can also access Purple Mash, SUMDOG, Education City and Lexia Strategies from home using their normal school log in.

Y5 Timetable

