I Am Warrior!
Our topic this term is I Am Warrior and year 4 are learning all about the Romans.
The children enjoyed our Wow Day where they were archaeologists for the day finding ancient Roman artefacts.
Year 4 archeologists piecing together their findings.
During their discoveries, the children found some ancient Roman coins. They then researched all about Roman coins and designed their own. As part of Art and Design, class 5 and 6 created their own Roman coins out of clay, using lots of different materials and tools to create their individual patterns.
Working hard to create fantastic Roman coins.
Year 4 had some special visitors from Space 2 Learn who came into school to do Lego We Do with the children. This was a fun filled day which was a fantastic way to develop the children's knowledge of computer programming.
Using programming to make our Lego creations move!
Our author of the term is David Walliams and the children are currently enjoying reading Mr Stink as our class novel. Class 5 and 6 have done some fantastic author work for our displays including character descriptions of Chloe and Mr Stink.
Class 5 and 6 went on a very exciting trip this Halloween to Rossemere Forest School. The children enjoyed a Harry Potter workshop where they made magical potions, played Quidditch and made toffee apples by a campfire. This trip will be used as our focus to inspire a two week block of writing, we can't wait for you to see our work!
Happy Halloween from Class 5 and 6!
As part of our 10 minutes of fitness every day, we are doing lots of different indoor and outdoor activities to get us moving and keep us active! We are really enjoying the various activities 🙂
Class 5 and 6 went on a trip to the ARC theatre in Stockton to watch Oliver. All of the children were so excited and had a brilliant watching the wonderful performance. 👏🎭
Class 5 and 6 have been looking at all different kinds of poetry in English. The beautiful snow has helped the children develop their vocabulary and help generate ideas for their own festive, winter poems. Look out for your child's poem which will be in their Christmas card.
Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow! ❄️☃️